Please note: this website was made by converting from the original Corsairs game, but there are some differences. All content is copied, so some things might not work correctly or not make sense. The save buttons do nothing in this version, so don't bother with them. From this point on, everything as close as possible to the original. Thank you for playing!

Please note: you may from time to time experience various batch processing errors during gameplay. If this occurs, please continue on course and disregard the message as it will not effect your game. Make sure to save as often as you can so none of your progress is lost.

Each time you start a new game, your adventure and final score will different based on your decisions and of course, your luck!

Press any key to start...

What do you call yourself, Captain?

Quick tips for beginners

1. Pay attention to your inventory.
2. Firing cannons is less effective than ramming during sea battles.
3. If you run out of food, it will begin to effect your HP.
4. Some bosses are more difficult than others.
5. You need supplies to repair your ship.
6. Without ammunition during battle, you will be forced to surrender.
7. Carefully choose your strategies. Each ship has different characteristics.
8. May luck shine upon you on the high seas!

There is a saved game for %name%. What do you want to do?

To which vessel will you sail?

HP: 50/50 :. Supplies: 10 ````/.``` Food: 10 -.------:` Ammunition: 12 `-...--..-` ` `` `/.` `` ` .. `` .:-------::-------:- .. `..::..` ```..................` ` `:-. ........` .................... ' ` ./-.` ` ...-:..- .................... ' ::+... ```:+`` ` ...................- ` ./+...- ` `-----:---:` ...................- ` .+/....- ` `.. -.......... -...................` `-/:.....-` ```..- -.......... -.................... -:........` ....``` -...-:-.... -........-........... -:.......... --.` .` `/+-` `.`-.-..`.``o+--.`...... `-```.+-..`.. `.--::-.`....++-. ``.. ` `o+...` ` `..` `` ``...-o/::: `-:ooooooo: `` `` `o+...``....-.----+ooooooooooo+.. `ooooooo/` ` ` o+...`:oooooooooooooooooooo/.` :oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo+ -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-


The Carracks were traditionally merchant ships. However, in the 17th century they were upgraded with all new equipment to prevent pirate attacks. Carracks were the first ships with guns mounted low in the hull. They were the largest ships in this period of history. Carracks were usually three-masted. This ship's great size allowed for a large crew. Therefore, this warship starts with an extra amount of ammunition and health points at the beginning of the game. For a special ability, you may have the opportunity to discharge fiery arrows from an on board balista. The fire created on your enemy's ship will deal devestating blows.

HP: 35/50 : Supplies: 10 ``+ Food: 15 ` o` Ammunition: 7 ` `o-.` `` `o-...` ` .o:.....` `` .o:........` ` ``-o-........-.`` ` ``` -o-..........--.-. `` ``` -o........--::--- ` ` .` `-o``-.--//--....-. `` `.` `-: `-o.:::--.........-` ` `..- .--` `-s:-..............-` ` ....-`-..- `-s:................-` `` `......:-..-` `-s:.................-` ` `........-...- `:s:..................-` ```.........:....- `:o:...................-. `.-......-:-.-..... ` :o/.....................- `-:-...` `--...--.... ` :o/......................- `.-.` .---...`.```` ` /o/..-----:::::::::::::::::- ......-.`-.` `` ` ` /o+///:-....````````` `` .:/oo++////:::----.....`/o:--..` ```.......` .-/oooooooooooooo+++ooooooo++++++ooooooooooo/. .../++++ooooooooooooooooooo+++++++++++++++:.


Despite being a small ship, the sloop was certainly the most popular ship among the pirates. That's because they were fast (11 knots), highly maneuverable, and have a shallow hull. even without the wind they were fast, because of few oars. They could easily sail over sand bars. It usually had only the main mast. A crew usually contained up to 75 men and 14 guns. This ship begins with an extra supply of food to start the game. As a special ability, its speed will enable to you potentially escape from precarious situations and overwhelming battles.

HP: 45/50 : Supplies: 20 ` : Food: 10 `: ...-:... : Ammunition: 7 ```/``` `...-... / `-.---.. `...-/.... .-./.-. `-..+...` -........ ...:..`` ......... `....-...- .-------- ....:....` ..-----/------ ....:.... `- ------:-----` .............. .....o.....` `..` `-.....:...... .--....:o-....-. ...........-` `...-``. -------/-----:` -.............-- ............-.- .....-.. `......./-...... `....```-+-.`..... -...../:-...-... .---..... -----..-+:-.----``--------:/-------- `` s-....-...` `...`````` ...............- -................. ` `o-.......... --..` ` ................``-................- ` `o:........... `.---.` ``.....-..--........................... ` `o:.........---- `-/+/::.```` -o-..````.....`````/o-.-.`.... ` ` .o/--.....````` .+ooooooo+ooo+++++++++++++++++o+++//////////////+o+++++++++oo: -+oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo+:. `:ooooooooo++ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo+ooo+++++o/ -//////++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++///////


Frigates were a medium-sized class of a warship. They were three-masted ships with square sails, raised forecastle and quarterdeck. There were 24 to 40 mounted guns on two and a half gun decks. They were very maneuverable for their great size. Additionally, they were used to hunt pirates and privateers. Inside the ship, there was enough space for 50 to 200 crewmembers. This ship has extra boxes of supplies to start and its special ability gives its captain charm. Charm makes your enemies ship vulnerable to mutiny. Any defectors will join your crew. This will increase your health points.

Saving... DO NOT EDIT THIS) > %name%_save.dat

boat = %boat%)>> %name%_save.dat hp = %hp%)>> %name%_save.dat maxhp = %maxhp%)>> %name%_save.dat gold = %gold%)>> %name%_save.dat supplies = %supplies%)>> %name%_save.dat food = %food%)>> %name%_save.dat ammo = %ammo%)>> %name%_save.dat fishing = %fishing%)>> %name%_save.dat explorelittle = %explorelittle%)>> %name%_save.dat ability = %ability%)>> %name%_save.dat map = %map%)>> %name%_save.dat tavern = %tavern%)>> %name%_save.dat code = %code%)>> %name%_save.dat found = %found%)>> %name%_save.dat tradecuba = %tradecuba%)>> %name%_save.dat island = %island%)>> %name%_save.dat Saved

As a french privateer, you prepare an expedition. You have selected your crew of local Parisians. Now you set sail for the new world. You are an 18th century privateer. Your mission is to finish the expedition with the best statistics you can. At the end of your expedition your food, ammo, supplies, gold, and life points will be converted into your total bounty. That is, if you survive.

The height of the Caribbean Pirates' reign was the 18th century... when terror ruled the trade routes.

Welcome to...

_______ _ _ ______ |__ __| | | | ____| | | | |__| | |__ | | | __ | __| | | | | | | |____ |_| |_| |_|______| _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ / ____/ __ \| __ \ / ____| /\ |_ _| __ \ / ____| | | | | | | |__) | (___ / \ | | | |__) | (___ | | | | | | _ / \___ \ / /\ \ | | | _ / \___ \ | |___| |__| | | \ \ ____) / ____ \ _| |_| | \ \ ____) | \_____\____/|_| \_\_____/_/ \_\_____|_| \_\_____/ (c)2012 WRP v 1.4

Your first stop is the English controlled island of Bermuda.

One mile off shore, you are greeted by several British naval ships. They request by orders of the queen that you come into port peacefully.

The British navy makes quick work of your ship. The overwelming force of cannon fire leave you alone floating in shark infested waters. Upon rescue, you prepare to spent the rest of your days in casemates barracks prison!

You are escorted into the British port.

You got %gotfish% fish.

You can't fish again.

Do you want to buy or sell?


How much %shopitem% do you want? (%price% gold per %shopitem%)

You bought %bread% %shopitem% for %breadbought% gold.

How much %shopitem% do you want to sell? (%price% gold per %shopitem%)

You sold %sell% %shopitem% and got %sold% gold.

You dont have any.

You dont have that many.

You don't have enough money for that.

How many supplies do you want to use to repair your ship?

1 supply = 2 life points.

Your HP is now %hp%.

You dont have any supplies.

Your HP is already %maxhp%.

You don't have enough supplies.

We are out of food, Captain! The crew is starving! You have lost %foodhp% life points. Captain, fill our stomachs before we dine in Davy Jones' Locker!


Captain, the crew is delighted in your leadership! Morale is up! You gain %gothp% HP.

You have fallen ill. You lose %losthp% HP.

Loot! You have come across a half sunken ship wreck on a shoal. your men retrieve %foundammo% ammunition, %foundsupplies% supplies and %foundgold% gold.

Calamity! Storms on the high seas have nearly upended your ship. You lose %lostammo% ammunition, %lostsupplies% supplies and %lostgold% gold.


In 1609, Bermuda was colonized as the direct result of a hurricane. On July 24, a hurricane sank one ship and threw the flagship Sea Venture so far off course that it was wrecked on a reef in Bermuda on July 28. All 150 survivors were saved, and settled on the island. It was later claimed by the British.

You are in a village in Bermuda.

The next morning your crew sets sail for Puerto Rico. Now fighting a tropical storm, your ship breaks a large sail and mast. You use %lostsupplies% supplies repairing it.

After several days in the scorching sun repairing your ship, you arrive in Puerto Rico.

The natives great you with great generosity. Roll to find out what you receive.

Press any key to roll...

You got 2 ammunition.

You got 2 food.

You got 2 supplies.

Sailing to Puerto Rico takes %foodeaten% weeks. Your crew eats %foodeaten% food.

You are in Puerto Rico. Would you like to rest for the night or pillage the town, taking all the supplies and leaving the port?

Resuming your voyage the following day, you set sail for Little San Salvador island.

Your crew is fighting scurvy. Roll to see how many life points it will cost you.

You lost %scurvydamage% life points.

You found %pillagefood% food, %pillagesupplies% supplies, and %pillageammo% ammunition.

As the village burns, you set fire to the port and set sail for Little San Salvador. However, you notice two Spanish Galley Ships closing in on you. They have come to the aid of the locals after seeing smoke on the horizon.

Prepare for battle...

Spanish Galleys HP:%puertoricohp%

You did %attack% damage to them.

They did %attack% damage to you.

Your and your crew fought valiantly. However, you could not overcome the odds today, and your luck has run out.

Congratulations the victory is yours, Captain. You have recovered %stolenship% gold from the sinking ship.

You now set sail for Little San Salvador island.

Arriving at the uninhabited island of Little San Salvador, you dock and prepare to rest your crew for the day.

Sailing to Little San Salvador takes %foodeaten% weeks. Your crew eats %foodeaten% food.

What do you want to do?

You can't explore again.

You enjoy a day of fresh coconuts and catching fast crabs. You got %findfood% food.

You find burried treasure chest with %findtreasure% gold in it.

You found a hidden cave to search

Falling rocks cause you to lose %rockdamage% HP.

You found a treasure chest with %treasurelittle% gold in it.

There was nothing in the cave except for bats.

Your crew hoists the sails and prepares the ship for embarkation to Grand Turk.

Entering the clear waters of the Caicos islands, you are greeted with hostile fire from the Welsh pirate Henry Morgan!

Prepare for battle...


Battle options:

You failed to ram it and lost %damage% HP

You rammed it and did %damage% damage to it.

You did %damage% damage to it.

It did %damage% damage to you.

The kraken smashes your boat to pieces.

Just as you prepare your cannons for a death blow to the Kraken, the waves roar and begin to rise. Cthulhu has risen from the depths! You and the Kraken are both dragged to the bottomless pits of the ocean. Salt water fills your lungs as you are pulled into a watery coffin.

You did %damage% damage to him.

They did %damage% damage to you.

You did %damage% damage to him.

You missed.

Your crew successfully flanked the enemy for a suprise attack. They lost %ramdamage% men.

The enemy spotted your crew before they could attack. You lost %ramdamage% men.

You escaped, but barely.

The two ships collided and they lost %ramdamage% HP.

The two ships collided and you lost %ramdamage% HP.

You did %attack% damage to them.

They did %attack% damage to you.

They rammed you.

You have run out of ammunition and are forced to surrender.

You have surrendered.

They took %stolengold% gold, %stolenammo% ammunition, %stolenfood% food, and %stolensupplies% supplies.

Captain, your charm has failed to entice enemy crew to defect.

Your charm has succeeded in drawing defectors to your crew, adding %charmhp% life points.

Your fire arrow missed.

Captain, their sails are in flames. He lost %firedamage% life points.

Strategically, your current position renders you unable to escape.

You evaded your enemy and escaped the battle.

You cannot use your special ability twice in battle

You have recovered %foundgold% gold from the sinking ship.

After the smoke clears, your men search the fort. You smell a strong oder of gunpowder on the crew as they return from the burning hillside. They brief you on their discoveries:

You lost the battle.

You feel a cry for aid well up from the bottem of your soul. You fall forward, wandering closer to something that never feels nearer. Time, space and distance have no meaning in this place, leaving you feeling nothing but a strange peace tempered by a prickly feeling that you destiny is finished.

You slowly tip over and fall down. You suddenly find yourself floating upward, the light dimming slowly around you. Eventually, everything vanishes as the distance increases and you are enveloped by a sparkling panorama of brilliantly lit stars. Already, feel the tug of eternity upon your spirit as you hopelessly struggle to remain tied to this world.

Sailing to Grand Turk takes %foodeaten% weeks. Your crew eats %foodeaten% food.

Pressing on towards Grand Turk Island, you find your ship dry docked in the blistering Carribean sun. While waylaid on the island, your crew takes a much needed rest. However, some conspire to mutiny!

Your special ability of charm has enabled you to squelch the revolt!

After a rough skirmish, your loyal crew puts down the revolt. However, it has cost the lives of several crew. You lose %revoltdamage% life points.

Word is that there is buried treasure on this island. You spend a full day searching. Find the treasure within 10 hours.

In order to find the treasure within 10 hours, you will be presented with a number challenge. You have 10 hours (10 tries) to find the treasure. Take up to 10 tries to find the secret number (0-100).

Guess the number 0-100

that is too low! Guesses: %guesses%

that is too high! Guesses: %guesses%

The treasure proved to be too elusive! You have found no treasure.

You now set sail for Barbados.

You arrive in the British colony of Barbados after %foodeaten% weeks. Your crew has consumed %foodeaten% food. The port is bustling with trade and sugar industry. It is your choice how to proceed from here.

You are in the port of Barbados.

While swashing down some rum at the tavern, you meet a fellow privateer. "Hello Sir, Im Thomas Tew. Im on my second mission pirating with my English crew. Im Certainly no Francophile, but for only 15 gold coins, I will let you in on a secret. Ill give you a map of the Pirate Round, a sailing route that I have pioneered for my fellow English Pirates. It will lead to you plenty of treasures! What do you say?"

The tavern is closed.

Thomas Tew hands you a cloth map and says you are now an official "Roundsman." You notice that the closest Treasure opportunity is located near a small bay on Grand Bahama Island.

You do not have enough money!

You have decided to set sail for Haiti

You have the pirate rounds map. Do you wish to follow it to Grand Bahama Island?

Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! You are headed to the Bahamas!

You have arrived at the Bahamas. You arrive to the Bahamas in %foodeaten% weeks. Your has crew eaten %foodeaten% food.

As your ship sails into the bay, you pull out your monoscope and attempt to see signs of buried Treasure on the beach. Just then, you notice several pirate ships of unknown allegiance en route to your location. You only have 9 hours to find the treasure before you must depart the Bay. Your ship would not stand a chance in battle against the cannon fire of 3 large Frigates!

Sailing to Haiti takes %foodeaten% weeks. Your crew has eaten %foodeaten% food.

It is a fine taste of home among your fellow countrymen! After showing your letters of marque to the governer, the locals throw a feast as the sun sets. to celebrate French conquests in the Carrribean! You leave the port the following day with benevolent supplies from the Islands government. You are awarded %haitifood% Food, %haitisupplies% Supplies, %haitiammo% Ammunition, and %haitigold% Gold. Several healthy looking locals of fine girth volunteer to serve and join your crew. You add %haitihp% Crew to your ship and thus increase your HP by %haitihp%.

Your strategy is now to confront the British in a low garrisoned port on the Island of Jamaica. The French have tipped you off that a sneak attack may yield treasure and trade Secrets!

You now decide to set sail for Jamaica.

Captain, a hurricane looms! You must carefully plot your way around the storm. You must carefully plan the proper bearing to escape! 0-100 You have 7 attempts to escape

Since you have a sloop, you can outrun the storm.

You have avoided the hurricane.

You loose %lostsupplies% supplies, and %lostmen% men overboard.

It has taken %foodeaten% weeks to get to Jamaica. Your crew has eaten %foodeaten% food.

Your ship cannons prepare for battle against a small stone fort on Jamaica. The British have several cannons and a unit of 10 soldiers. They are preparing to defend this part of the Island from the likes of your grimy French Pirates!

They found %findgold% gold in the fort.

They found a scroll containing a secret military code: %code%

You are in Jamaica. What are your orders, Captain?

As you depart from Jamaica, your first mate spots the ship of Captain Jonathan Barnet, the most noted pirate hunter of the age! Your ship cannot gain enough speed to out maneuver Captain Barnet. His ship soon has your ship subdued to surrender. Your ship is boarded and you are arrested. You are to be turned in to British authorities to stand trial! You are chained beneath the deck in the ships prison next to to prisoners. One is a woman who introduces herself as Mary Read. She says the other sleeping prisoner is Calico Jack. They and their pirate crew were arrested when taken by surprise while they were hosting a rum party off the west coast of Jamaica. Just then, a Guard comes into the cell.

Do you know any British military codes?

That isnt a millitary code.

What is the code?

Just as you telling him the military code you hear a huge roar. The kraken has come and destroyed the ship! You swim back to your own ship.

Prepare for battle...

Why Sir, you must have been arrested by mistake? Let me free you and escort you back to your ship! I am sure Captain Barnet would have nothing to do with incarceration of such a high ranking British Admiral! We are not looking for trouble from the British Navy! The guard decides to escort you to Captain Barnet to explain the situation. As he turns around, you seize the moment. Grabbing %foundsupplies% supplies, you dive from the ship in the darkness of the night and swim to your waiting crew. An approaching British warship fires on your ship, missing it. The missed cannon fire has hit Captain Barnets ship by mistake and caused enough chaos that you and your crew have escaped silently into the chilled mist of the restless sea.

Just as the guard passes you, Calico Jack grabs the guards ankle and Mary Read swats him with a wooden log. She sets you free as the three of you make your way off the ship. The crew is alerted and now Mary and Calico Jack are fighting off the crew. They throw you an extra sword.

Is now the time for swashbuckling?

You barely block as a knife thrusts wide at you! The sword skills the three of you bring to the fight are well noted by the opposing crew, however their number is too great! During the scuffle, an enemys sword lands a heavy strike that bites deeply into your left calf. You lose %losthp% HP. Soon, Calico Jack and Mary Read are once again captured! You make off with %stolengold% gold coins as you dive from the ship to evade capture. Your crew has broken your ship free and pulls you from the relentless, dizzying waves.

You decide that with your crew waiting to break the ship free, now is not the time for swashbuckling. A enemys sword lands a swift hit that breaks the skin of your right leg as you dive into the frigid, raging sea. You leave Calico Jack and Mary, who are soon re-captured. You are reunited with your crew and your ship is able to escape into the dark void on the horizon. You lost %losthp% HP.

Captain Barnets Crew had pillaged your ship while captured! You have lost %pillagedsupplies% supplies, %pillagedfood% food, and %pillagedgold% gold.

Sailing to Dominica takes %foodeaten% weeks. Your crew has eaten %foodeaten% food.

You are in Dominica. What do you want to do?

In the tavern, an old grey french sailer pleads with you for charity. He asks for %taverngold% gold.

The tavern is closed.

Aye, thanks for your generosity! If my health would hold, I'd join your crew. The Spanish fleet has a stock pile of ammunition at the dock yard. If you can make it down there by dawn, you may be able to pilfer it.

Would you like to attempt the heist?

You sent a crew of your best men to the dock yard. They were successful and return with %gotammo% ammunition.

Aye, thanks for your generosity! If my health would hold, I'd join your crew. The Spanish fleet has a stock pile of ammunition at the dock yard. If you can make it down there by dawn, you may be able to pilfer it.

Would you like to attempt the heist?

You decide to send a crew of your men to the dock yards. They were ambushed by Spanish soldiers while attempting the heist! Some of crew returned but you lost %losthp% men.

My fellow Frenchman, the times are a changin' in France. Louis XIV is now hanging privateers for treason.

You dont have enough money for that.

Your ship departs Dominica only to find itself in the middle of a sea battle between Spanish and English forces. You rush to evade the entire skirmish. As your ship draws dangerously close to a Spanish Carrack, You feel a burst of pain as you gasp in a deep breath! An enemy arrow has pierced your chest! All around you the world spins rapidly and you get the feeling you are falling from a great distance! You awake below the ships doctor. The spinning stops and you realize with joy that you are alive. Your ship has maneuvered away from the battle into safe, calm seas. However, you have suffered %losthp% HP as you recover from your wound.

Days pass by as your crew drifts into the western Caribbean awaiting further orders. You have plans to explore Cuba. However, an ominous feeling crawls under your skin. On the horizon is the foreboding ship of Charles Vane, feared and ruthless pirate who has long preyed on English and French Shipping in the region! His Flagship, Brigantine, draws close and you prepare your crew and cannons!

Prepare for battle...

After the heated battle at sea, you set course for the island of Antigua, putting a visit to Cuba on hold for the time being.

You arrive to the island of Antigua after %foodeaten% weeks. Your crew has consumed %foodeaten% food.

Rumor has it that there is buried Spanish treasure here.

You have 8 tries to find the treasure.

You cant search for treasure again.

As you prepare for departure, you notice the sloop of Captain William Kidd approaching from the east side of the island. His intentions appear hostile.

Prepare for battle...

Since you have a Ballista, you may launch fire arrows. This sneak attack will catch the enemy sails on fire and disable them before they are able to attack.

Do you want to fire your ballista?

Luck shines upon you, and you live to see another day! You prepare your crew to sail to the long awaited destination of Cuba! The folklore tells of the greatest treasures burried there.

It has taken %foodeaten% weeks to sail to Cuba. Your crew has eaten %foodeaten% food.

You drop anchor upon arival in Cuba. You are located in a secluded bay on the southeast corner of the island.

You are in Cuba. What do you want to do?

Your crew flags down a passing merchant ship. What would you like to purchase?

How many supplies do you want to buy? (3 gold per supply)

You bought %buy% supplies for %price% gold.

How much ammunition do you want to buy? (2 gold per ammunition)

You bought %buy% ammunition for %price% gold.

You don't have enough money for that.

The ship has sailed on.

You conclude that it would be best to take a crew of your finest men by row boat to search for treasures in the dense jungle ashore.

After two days of treasure hunting in the hot, wet tropics, you and your men are exhausted. Just then you spot an odd lump of earth in the far distance and set out alone to check it out. The trees rise about you like looming tombstones in a graveyard, each one draped in shawls of sickly green lichen. The air is thick with a pressing sense of gloom and you get the distinct impression that you are being watched. A matted layer of thick, molding banana leaves cover the ground, filling the air with a stench that makes your stomach cringe.

Suddenly, the large shadow of Black Bart grows in front of you. You now find yourself staring down the barrel of a freshly loaded musket. He tells you that you have made a big mistake to come to this place as all the treasure on the island is his. Your men appear out of the jungle and a skirmish ensues!

Prepare for battle...

Black Bart is defeated. His crew retreats in fear. You have now laid claim to the largest treasure on your Voyage! There is %foundgold% gold buried here.

You must now choose your destiny.

Upon returning to your homeland, the king of France has now frowned on your deeds and accused you of holding treasures from the crown. The bishop of France has also ordered you to an Auto-De-Fe. Welcome the lash! %lostgold% gold is spilled from your sachel. Understand that your transgressions are serious and you will be made an example of before your influence spreads. You eventually find yourself at the gallows. You will be hung for rogue piracy. As you are being led to your doom, you notice Mary Reed and Calico Jack being led with you to the gallows.

Upon returning to your homeland, the king of France has now frowned on your deeds and accused you of holding treasures from the crown. The bishop of France has also ordered you to an Auto-De-Fe. They want you to understand that your transgressions are serious and wish to make an example of before your influence spreads further! Fortunately, you have many allies and fans in your homeland. They successfully smuggle you to Algiers. Your countrymen leave you with an additional %gavegold% gold and %gavesupplies% supplies to get you started as a Corsair. More importantly to you, however, is the slow revenge your plotting against the tyrannical French crown.

You Split the treasures among your crew. A change of heart has given you a new sense of purpose in life. You journey alone to the Pyrenees Mountains and join the abbey of Saint-Martin-du-Canigou. You welcome your new life. Fragrant smoke drifts from censers to carry periodic ripples of sound from the rooms beyond, bringing the silvery chime of bells and rhythmic cadence of chant to rise and fall in the air like the heartbeat of the abbey itself. An ivory rug cloaks the floor, surrounding an altar of translucent obsidian swirled with fiery highlights. Stained-glass gaethzen orbs circle the altar with a misty nimbus of violet light shading to crimson and then to amber and gold, the colors of dawn and of life renewed.

It has taken 8 weeks to sail to the Madeira Islands. You have eaten 8 food. The waters are swarming with pirates. A British ship fires on you before you make it into the bay. You lose %lose% HP.

These islands prove too dangerous for treasure hunting. You continue on the Pirate Rounds map for many months to come. For now your voyage through the Mediterranean sea has yielded %found% gold.

Game Summary

Ending Health Points: %hp%
Ending gold: %gold%
Ending Food: %food%
Ending Ammunition: %ammo%
Ending Supplies: %supplies%
Boat: %boat%
Pirate Rounds Map Bonus: %havemap%

Total: %uscore%

Considering your strategy and decisions, you have been awarded a final score of: %score% %newHighScore% High Score (to date): %highscore% You have earned the rank of %rank%. Bonus millitary code: 9917165531 Do you want to post your score?

Score Posted!
Check high scores page to see where you stand

Thank you for playing The Corsairs

Game Over

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